Wednesday, May 27, 2009

SingleForSaturday - Try Force

Well, it's another video game referencing track (the title, not the tune), and as much as I do not like that stuff, these guys have written a pretty solid dancey track. Their strength is in their transitions, which sound powerful and always break into something new and different and more energizing than the last section. I was somewhat surprised that the song had only 3 "likes" when I happened upon it, but was filled with comments calling it "spectacular" or "a perfect tune!"

That's right, a guy called this the Perfect Tune, and then didn't hit the "like" button. And I wonder why autotuned vocals over some weak, repetitive chippy loop made in GarageBand make it onto the 8BC chart every week. Whatever. Nothing gets past my radar, and I'm gonna give this song the recognition it deserves!

SingleForSaturday's Website

Get It!


  1. "Well, it's another video game referencing track (the title, not the tune), and as much as I do not like that stuff"

    You don't like video game referencing tracks or video game referencing titles on tracks that don't really have anything to do with video games?

    Oh, and thanks for pointing this one out. I really like your blog here. :3

  2. The latter... Video game music covers are sweet (check out Virt's Metroid covers or pretty much the entirety of powergoat.cofor some sweet non-chip video game stuff), but like you said there's music that has nothing to do with video games that reference video game culture just as a gimmick. In the end, though, there's some great music that commits this offence (like today's track) as well as plenty of bad music with completely original names! :P

  3. You better go "Like" this track, NAND! Don't be cold, bro! :P

  4. This song may not be the most video game-y...but I love it.
