Monday, June 29, 2009

I Fight Dragons - The Faster The Treadmill (LSDJ Version)

In Chicago there is an awesome alt-rock band named I Fight Dragons who have this crazy retro-nerd style. All their sites are an amalgam of pixel art, and they are never seen without a superhero t-shirt on. It is just part of the way they roll. Well, I've been hesitant in the past to feature one of their "actual" songs, something like what you would get on a CD of theirs, since they incorporate chiptunes into their more conventionally staffed instrumentation rather than featuring the 8-bit (or 16-bit as is often the case in this style, if you wanna get technical) sound standing on its own. Even their last song on 8BC - which was just game boys accompanying singing - didn't make my "cut" because it was a cover of John Mayer (emphasis on COVER, I don't have a problem with John Mayer!). Well, this song is a nice LSDJ-only version of what is probably my favorite song of theirs. So I get to feature it, no problem!

LSDJ Version:

I Fight Dragons' Website

Get It!

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